Jack – In Foster – Midlands


Please welcome Jack to our Springboard Family.
Jacks story is a shocking one and its down to his foster dad that he is even alive today, let alone in foster.

About 6 weeks ago, Ade was alerted to the stunning boy who is Jack. Ade had received a call from his vet asking if he could save Jack from being PTS.

Ade has fostered for us before and he contacted us to make us aware of this boy who has just turned 5 and then made his way to the vet to see what the situation was.

Ade saved Jack who was 14 minutes away from death..!! and that’s no exaggeration
To say Jacks homelife was chaotic is an understatement. He was mainly a yard dog, living with 7 Mastiffs. He had been owned since a puppy and fights had been breaking out between the dogs.
The fights were escalating so the owner decided Jack was the problem and rather than put some effort into finding him a loving new home, this year his Christmas Present was to end his life..!!

This is how much Jack meant to the owner, his was life was not important enough.

Ade stayed in contact with Jacks owners for several weeks since they had taken him to be PTS and was seeing Jack regularly to assess him for us.

After many discussions, the owners agreed not to have him PTS and to hand Jack over to us as the fights were becoming worse and Ade was concerned Jack would be killed by the pack.

Jack is now in foster with Ade and his 2 dogs, Harvey who is blind & Little Lil, and so far, Jack hasn’t put a paw wrong and he is decompressing in a calm home environment.

Jack is already neutered so he will have a vet check and then spend some time with Ade & his dogs so we can assess his behaviour.

Thank you for saving Jack Ade, and for taking him into your home, we are very grateful. So welcome to the rest of your life Jack, your Springboard journey starts here.

If you would like to follow Jacks foster journey, please join our Community Group