Blueberry – In foster – Wales

Please join us in giving a warm and heartfelt welcome to Blueberry one of our newest members of our GBSR family.

A beautiful lady who has been deeply affected by the financial crisis currently gripping the UK.

Sancho’s and Blueberry’s journey to us began when his loving owner, overwhelmed by a relationship breakdown, the responsibility of raising children, and living below the breadline, reached out to us. She made the heart-breaking decision to part with her beloved pets to ensure they wouldn’t suffer any longer.

Sadly, we recognized the need to separate them for their well-being, Blueberry bore the brunt of Sancho’s resource guarding.

Blueberry, a 2-year-old female, is in a more fragile state. She suffers from cherry eye, severe allergies, and demodex. Her skin, ears, and eye are painfully infected, making her situation even more dire.

Blueberry is being lovingly cared for by Jemma & Ryan in Wales, with the beautiful GBSR Mildred also looking after her. We rushed Blueberry to a vet appointment to kickstart her treatment, as her skin is in desperate need of relief.

Separating a bonded pair is never easy, but sometimes it’s necessary for their well-being.

Seeing Blueberry begin to thrive reassures us that we made the right decision.

Blueberry is already showing what a bouncy and playful lady she is and is enjoying out numbering poor Ryan with the ladies.

With lots of TLC and dedicated care, we know Blueberry will soon be in tip-top condition, ready to embrace her new lease on life.

Welcome to our family, Blueberry. We can’t wait to watch your story unfold

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