Duke – In foster – Midlands

Please welcome the extremely handsome Duke.

Duke is a 3year old entire male.

We were contacted by Dukes devastated family to help their beautiful boy. Sadly, Duke has had many issues since being a tiny puppy.

From undescended testicles to allergies and major eye issues. They made sure he was insured but it has limits and maxed out credit cards. It has come to the point where they just couldn’t afford to take care of him.

They had already got him through castration, skin grafts, and entropian surgery for his eyes. But they knew they couldn’t keep going and that the best thing for Duke was to find someone to help.

It wasn’t an easy decision for them at all.

Huge thank you to Trish Plaister for helping transport Duke to his foster family.

Duke is in foster with the fabulous Kate Stockman Mark and of course the very handsome Bear and Thunder in the Midlands and so far, is settling really well. He is such a sweet boy.

Kate went out a bought vegan cleaning products to reduce the environmental allergens in her home and bought Duke his stunning new fancy footwear for out on walks.

As you can see his skin is so sore in places especially under his chin and neck from the cone, he sadly has to wear to protect his healing eye. He will be seeing our vet in the next week, and they will go through his extensive medical records to make sure we are doing everything we need to be to be sure he heals well.

Welcome to our family Duke, we all love you already and can’t wait to see where your new adventures take you.

Follow Duke https://www.facebook.com/geordiebullies

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