Esme- Now Adopted!


Esme is home

Its happy tears all around as we are now able to announce that Esme is very much home!!

Esme came into foster back in January after being found in a cold and damp outhouse. She came with nothing, not even a name.

Esme was suffering from a skin infection, ear infections and was very underweight. She also had to have an emergency spay due to pyometra, she was a very poorly little girl.

Esme’s foster journey was far from easy, she was understandably very frightened, and it took her a long time to decompress and trust that she was now safe and loved  

We never gave up on beautiful Esme, she captured all of our hearts and we all desperately wanted the very best for her. We worked closely with her foster and after lots of medical treatment, training, love and understanding she blossomed into the most wonderful Bulldog we all knew she could be.

Esme now has her happy ever after. She was picked up by her new parents Lorna and Kevin on Monday and we are thrilled to announce that she is settling in beautifully.

In true Esme style she has been testing the boundaries but is learning quickly.

We would like to say a massive thank you to Esme’s amazing foster mum Kelly, you never gave up and showed her the love and understanding she so desperately needed. You have worked incredibly hard to prepare her for her forever home and we will never be able to thank you enough for everything you have done. You really have been her guardian, Angel. Thank you from the bottom of all our hearts.

So will you all please join us in first thanking Kelly and then congratulating Lorna and Keven on the adoption of their beautiful new girl. We are so happy she has settled well and will be living her very best life from now on

To Esme, congratulations darling. You have captured the hearts of so many and we all wish you the very best and happy life, filled with lots of fun, love and adventures.

Make lots of memories and enjoy every second of your happy ever after.

Previous Adoption Statement Below, 

Dogs name:



4 years old.

Current location:

Thatcham, Berkshire



Older children 13+







Esme is a very special girl, with an absolutely heartbreaking and traumatic background.

Esme came to GBSR a truly broken and poorly little girl, but we could see this tiny bit of light behind those beautiful eyes of hers.

Slowly that light has brightened, and she has grown into the most affectionate, cheeky and playful little girl. She loves a good toy and will seek you out when it is playtime.

Esme is happiest sat at your side keeping you company throughout the day.


Esme is highly anxious she is doing so very well with her training but still has reactive issues.

The front door/doorbell being a trigger for people coming into the house, but it’s a work in progress and with continued training and guidance we are optimistic that Esme will get over this fear.

Esme is fearful of strangers in the home, slow introductions and routine will soon have her enjoying visits from your quests.

If a dog reacts negatively towards her, she will reciprocate.

Throughout her foster she has continued to work really hard with her obedience and commands, she adores her humans and is eager to please them.


Esme needs a confident bulldog experienced family.

With a calm home environment, a patient family who truly understands her needs and is prepared to put in the work she deserves.

Having a strict routine will work wonders as she knows what and when to expect things to happen. A regular bathing and grooming routine will help build that bond immensely.

Esme needs her very own garden to be able to enjoy, play and soak up the sun.

Esme cannot share her space with any other animals.


Esme enjoys her walks; she walks to heel, at a steady pace.

Esme takes no notice of people or other dogs unless a dog is reactive towards her. If a dog barks at Esme, she will bark back.

Esme is always walked alone and prefers short walks of 10-15 minutes each time.

Routine is key for Esme.

Toilet trained:

Yes, Esme is a very good girl.


Esme travels extremely well, because of this we will accept applications of up to 4hours away from her current location.

We recommend always using a seatbelt restraint or travel crate whenever transporting dogs.

Things to be aware of:

Esme needs a strict controlled diet as she has food allergies. She has had a food sensitivity test which we will supply to her new family.

All introductions must be done slowly but this is something we will support and guide her forever family with.

Esme will need to continue Royal Canin Hypoallergenic food in her new home.

Esme is easily over stimulated by young children and the noise that comes a long with them She will not be rehomed with anyone under the age of 13 and must be kept separate from any young children visiting.

It is going to take time, patience and compassion to continue Esme onto her happy ever after journey. But what you put in; you will get back 100x over in love.

Children must understand that bulldogs need time to settle in and have space to rest peacefully and uninterrupted.

Additional information:

Esme had lived a terrible life before we found her, and it has taken time to start undoing that damage.

But now it’s time for her forever family to take over, to build that bond and trust and help her reach her full potential. Whole heartedly we know there is the perfect home out there for her. One special family who can complete the journey we started and fix her broken trust and heart.

Could you offer Esme a loving and patient happily ever after?

Remember we are there to support and guide Esme’s forever family throughout the adoption and for her entire life.

A little of Esme’s story below,

DUMPED …!!!!??? The girl with no name..

Before we say anything about this little dog… just take a look at the 1st photo for a few moments …. hold that image as we tell you that this little girl was found like this – there are 2 versions of how she came to be living in a cold shed and we don’t know if either of them are the truth …..

However – the owner ( who’s details were not registered on the microchip, surprise surprise…! ) knows exactly how she came to be in a concrete shed with a thin blanket on the floor for a bed, in winter, knows exactly the level of neglect bestowed on her, knows exactly how many times she has been bred from for monetary gain, knows exactly how little regard, love or respect she received…..

If you are the previous owner and you are reading this.. then SHAME ON YOU….!!!!!

Please welcome Esme into the arms of GBSR, we have given her a beautiful name to start the rest of her life with because from today, her life of neglect are behind her..!

The story….

We were alerted to post online about a ‘stray’ found in someone’s outhouse. The photo showed us a very scared, and grubby little girl. The information was 3rd or 4th hand but we immediately started investigating and discovered she had been handed into the care of a PDSA and after a few calls, we found her.

We asked about her condition, and we were told she had a raging ear infection, clearly neglected, underweight, over bred, & ringworm and she was TOTALLY PETRIFIED, to the point where she was kennel guarding.

Over the past few days, we have kept in contact about her progress and finally she was released into our care last night.

We want to extend a huge thank you to our fabulous team of volunteers. Chloe Loxton and partner for going to meet Esme and assessing her for us whilst she was in the care of the PDSA, and to Bethany Grace Hitchins and Trish Plaister for road training Esme from Liverpool to her foster mum Carla Burgess in the South East.

First day in her new life ..

After a settled night, tiny little Esme greeted her FM with huge bum wiggles this morning and Carla was able to look at her condition thoroughly.

Esme is thin and her spine is visible, she has licked her paws sore, she has bald patches and sores on her legs, chest and back, she has bite marks on her ears, baggy teats and she has just come into season.

Carla took Esme to see Pete at Windlesham Village Vets this afternoon and Esme did really well until Pete tried to examine her ears which are clearly very sore for her.

So, her FM has Surolan drops which she will try and administer in the calmer environment of her home, and Esme also needs a Malaseb bath every day until her follow-up vet check next week.

Esme has come to us with nothing, she has probably never had anything and never experienced the comfort we give our own dogs every day – such is the life of a dog used a as commodity.

The Future..

The photos speak volumes – from a tiny petrified 4 year old English Bulldog, cast away without a hint of guilt or remorse to a genuine little girl who wants to please everyone.

The way dogs forgive us and trust us truly heart breaking. Who knows what this little dot of a Bulldog has endured.

But the glimmer of happiness you have been denied is now a reality Esme – you can take time to decompress with FM Carla, there will be no pressure, you can take everything at a pace that makes you comfortable – welcome to the rest of your life, you will always be cared for and loved!

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