Narla – In foster – North East

Introducing Narla: A Tale of Resilience and Compassion

Ladies and gentlemen, gather ’round!  Allow me to introduce you to the newest member of our Geordie Bullies family: the utterly adorable Narla!

Narla, a spirited 5-year-old entire female, recently found herself at a crossroads. Her previous owners, faced with a move to a pet-restricted property, reached out to us through our Facebook page. Their plea for help tugged at our heartstrings, and we knew we had to step in.

But Narla’s journey was far from straightforward. She had been living outdoors, her soft paws treading on a cold shed carpet. Neglected and suffering, she battled chronic ear infections and untreated dry eye. Yet, her spirit remained unbroken.

Our rescue process involves more than just paperwork; it’s about understanding each dog’s unique needs. We ask owners to complete detailed forms—capturing not only health information but also behavioural insights. Why? Because we’re committed to finding the perfect match for our furry friends.

Health matters. We connect dogs with vets who can address their specific concerns. Behaviour matters too—after all, we can’t rehome an aggressive dog. Our duty extends to our foster families, their children, and other pets under their care.

Now, you might wonder why I’m sharing all this. It’s because honesty is our guiding star. When Narla’s owners failed to disclose crucial details, we raised our eyebrows. An ad surfaced, revealing that Narla couldn’t be rehomed with smaller dogs or should be placed with large breeds only. None of this matched the forms they’d submitted. Lie number one.

Red flags waved, and we confronted them. Once confronted about this ad and after we informed them that we would revoke the offer of a foster placement their truth emerged: Narla disliked small dogs and had shown aggression toward a visiting dachshund. After discussing our concerns for Narla with our foster and our admin team, our foster didn’t feel confident in taking Narla in as they have another very soft natured female bulldog at home. Which we completely understood and supported.

Back to the drawing board we go. And we found a dog-free foster for Narla!

We were concerned for Narla’s condition and living conditions and truly felt this little girl desperately needed us, so this time we were able to find a foster happy to take her in and all it took was some honesty. We were able to prepare our foster and safeguard both Narla and other dogs by finding her a dog free foster.

We listened to our instincts, and Narla found her safe haven. Enter Kerry Lowery, our hero. She swiftly arranged transport for Narla to the North East, braving weather and distance. And then came lie number two: Narla’s previous owner revealed plans for a new little pug puppy. Our frustration knew no bounds. How could they discard Narla, plagued by untreated infections, for a fleeting trend?

Kerry, thank you! Narla is settling well and is Kerry’s shadow.

Our vets will mend her ears and dry eyes. And sweet Narla, fear not—your GBSR family surrounds you. When you’re ready, we’ll find you a 5-star home, where your story will unfold like a cherished novel.

So here’s to Narla—the embodiment of resilience, love, and second chances.  May her journey inspire us all.

Moral to our story, just tell the truth. Lie’s almost cost this little girl her chance of help!

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