Norma- In Foster – Midlands
Let us introduce #Norma rescued from a wretched life of ‘existing’ not living
Norma is 4 years old and tragically, she was owned by someone who didn’t care for her in any way whatsoever as you will see
We are taking you to the place Norma found herself in …. you are bred from, you are used, abused and neglected for 4 years until your skin is screaming every moment you are awake, your ears are full of infection, your eyes weep every time you blink and your body is covered in open, untreated sores and callouses
And then, just to make your misery complete, late one night, you are taken out of the place you call home, and offered to a homeless person on the street. This person thinks its a joke and says yes … but its not a joke, its another step in the tragedy that is Norma’s life
And just like that Norma is on the street, unwanted by her previous owner and now unwanted by her new owner
Are your hearts aching? because quite frankly, ours were broken when the dog warden contacted us about Norma & we immediately jumped into action to get her into the comfort of a home where she was wanted and could be properly cared for
The dog warden had taken Norma off the street and straight to a vet who started her on antibiotics, steroids and bravecto, and then steps were made by us, to get her into foster.
We want to thank Amanda Ashworth for taking Norma into foster for us. We are very grateful for you stepping forward to collect Norma from her holding kennel, and to take into your home and to the 1st step to her new life ,Thank you
After a life of misery, Norma just wants to please, and to watch her trying so hard is heart breaking and humbling in equal measures
How neglected & abused dogs can forgive us, is a testament to their belief that somewhere, somehow, someone will love them, they just keep on trying to please no matter how much cruelty they endure
Norma’s treatment and neglect is disgusting and unforgivable, but still she has the most beautiful soul, and she has settled into the warmth and kindness offered in her foster home by Amanda
She has met the resident cat which is a work in progress and she has also tried to instigate play with the resident Staffie, Ryka – who was way to cool to start playing, but we are sure Norma’s enthusiasm will soon work its magic
Norma will need a prolonged programme of meds, hypoallergenic foods and possibly eye surgery as well as her spay.
If you would like to contribute to Norma’s journey of healing, please feel free to donate any amount towards her care by using the links below using reference ‘Norma’ if prompted.
PayPal: -friends & family pls
Bank transfer:
Account Name: Geordie Bullies springboard rescue
Sort: 09-01-28
Acc: 92014344
Norma is now safe in the arms of her Springboard Family, living the life of care & love her owners should have given her
Thank you very much for your support, and if you would like to follow Norma’s foster journey, please join our rescue community group
Welcome to the rest of your life Norma, your days of neglect are truly behind you