Peaches – In Foster – Scotland

Please welcome 11 month old Peaches to our Springboard family.

We were recently asked if we could take Peaches after her owner sadly passed away
The owners sister took Peaches into her home but the resident dog just wouldn’t take to her, so its with the saddest heart, she has asked us to take Peaches into foster so she will always be safe and loved

We want to thank Sarah Smith for collecting Peaches for us and for offering to foster this sweet young girl we are very grateful, thank you

Peaches has been introduced to the resident dogs, Helga and Heidi the Frenchies, and Holly the Jack Russell. Sarah is taking introductions very slowly, and so far, things are going well.
Peaches claws were so long and were curling under and digging in her paws, which meant she couldn’t walk comfortably, so Sarah nipped her to her dog groomer for a mini pedicure

Peaches will be having her vet check ASAP as she has a skin condition that clearly needs addressing sooner rather than later.

Please don’t try and apply for Peaches as she will need a period of assessment and her spay, but you can follow her journey on our Facebook Community Group

So please join us in welcoming this sweet little love of a girl on her springboard journey
Your new life starts now, Peaches, and we can’t wait to see you flourish