Violet – In Foster – Yorkshire & Humberside


Behind every Greeder is a sad, abused, used and dumped dog that looks just like Violet…..

Violet was found wandering the streets having not long finished nursing puppies

Clearly from the state of her, she has been bred from multiple times, probably because of her colour which is neither exotic or rare or whatever other description the Greeders pluck out of the air to make unsuspecting owners think they are spending 5k plus on a well bred puppy from a loving home where her needs are put first…!!

This little love, came to us without a name or a microchip, but why bother with those when all you are is a breeding, money making machine … !!!

So please welcome the very beautiful ‘Violet’ into the arms of her Springboard family.
Violet has come to us from kennels having spent 7 days waiting for her owner to claim her. Thankfully they didn’t bother, and we were asked if we could take her

We want to thank Carina Hill for collecting Violet for us from the kennels yesterday, we very much appreciate you offering to take Violet into foster for us. – thank you very much

As you can imagine, Violet has had a lot of changes to deal with recently, but she had a very good first night with Carina, and today she is eating and exploring her new home and getting to know Buster the resident dog. They met yesterday and it was like they were old buddies

Violet will need a period of assessment and obviously she will have her vet check ASAP, she has sore eyes and possible a urine infection, but we will get her sorted

So, lets welcome Violet into the fold and we are looking forward to following her springboard journey to a better life where her days of breeding and abuse is over