Woody – In Foster – Midlands
Please welcome 2 year old Woody into our Springboard Family
We were recently contacted by a Vet who had seen Woody when his owners had brought him in to have him PTS
He had growled at the owner and rather than spend time to understand why his behaviour had suddenly changed, he was brought in to END HIS LIFE..!
Having been presented with a young dog with a raging ear infection (and we all know how painful that can be for the sensitive ears of a dog..!!! ) the Vet surmised this most likely was the cause of his growling.
Luckily the Vet was not prepared to end this boys life over an ear infection, and asked for Woody to be surrendered to them while they treated him, and looked a for a rescue that would take him and give him chance of a new life
Woody stayed with the Vet for a week, where they started meds for his ear infection and neutered him before our foster Charlotte Whitehead collected him for us at the weekend. Charlotte couldn’t keep Woody due previous commitments, so on Monday, Woody joined Soraya, her husband and his new foster brother, Boss.
Thank you so much ladies, we very much appreciate you putting yourselves out to help this little boy, without your kind of support, he wouldn’t be here with us, so thank you
Woody is a lovely playful little lad (playing fetch is his favourite thing ever..!! ) and apart from a very short ‘hunger strike’, he has settled in very well
Soraya has introduced Woody to Boss, the resident dog, and is letting them have supervised time together and lots of walks. We always recommend slow and steady intro’s when a new dog comes into the home, it makes the transition much easier for the dogs, and especially for Woody as he has been through a lot of changes to deal with in the past week or so
Woody still has an ear infection, and he is still not keen on having his ear drops, so we will see how he is at the end of his treatment, we might need to extend the meds, but we will see.
So, lets welcome this little lad into the fold, and we are looking forward to following him on his Springboard journey with us