Chunk – In Foster – North West


Please welcome Chunk into foster 

We were recently contacted by Chunks owner to see if we could take him under our wing.

Chunk was a loved member of the family, but he has ongoing skin allergies and a deeply infected tail which needs to be addressed, and he had started to fall out with the resident dog.

So yesterday Bex and Jennifer made the 2 hours round trip to collect Chunk for us. Thank you very much for collecting him ladies and for fostering for us, we very much appreciate it 

This gorgeous 3 year old entire boy has settled very well with his new BFF Miss Molly and he has spent time exploring his new digs after a good night.

Chuck will be having his vet check as soon as we can book him is as his tail is very sore and we need to get on top of his allergies.

Please don’t ask to apply for Chunk as he will require a period of assessment, but you can follow his journey in foster by joining our Facebook Community Group

Welcome to your Springboard journey, Chunk