Myrtle – Sadly crossed the Rainbow Bridge!

Baby Myrtle

I am looking at my foster mum and l can see she can’t stop crying.

Please don’t cry,

You see, last night as l laid snuggled in my bed l drifted off to sleep and l had a dream.

In my dream there was a bridge with a beam of light and beautiful colours that were so pretty

I heard someone whisper my name and l didn’t know what to do? My foster mum was by my side but the voice in my ear whispered “don’t you worry Myrtle, it’s time to leave” so l slipped away very quietly.

Now l don’t hurt anymore but l know l have left pain in everyone’s hearts because l have gone and l am sorry.

But l am still here, l know you did your best, but the angels had already told me l might not stay after my operation and that they would stay close by just in case my time came.

So please remember me, Baby Myrtle with a smile and thank you for everything you all did for me l have loved every person l have ever met and l hope you have all loved me.

Until we meet again, l am off to run across that rainbow bridge, play in the sun and roll in the grass with my new friends!

Baby Myrtle’s story below, 16th-23rd Jan 22

Late on 16th Jan 2022 we were contacted about a very poorly 20-week-old puppy called Myrtle we collected her and she came into foster with Heather Hew.

We knew from the owners that Myrtle needed BOAS surgery, but we were shocked at how poorly this little puppy was. She was very subdued and was very heavily congested and we suspected Aspiration Pneumonia.

Heather slept on the sofa that night so she could keep a close eye on her and took her straight to our vets this morning for x rays.

To say this little girl wasn’t well at all was the understatement of the year, we knew immediately this was going to be one of our most difficult battles yet. Myrtle had double Aspiration Pneumonia and a Hypoplastic Trachea, which occurs when there is a growth abnormality of the cartilage rings along the airway which causes it to be narrowed.

Sometimes dogs can grow out of this condition but for little Myrtle we didn’t have the luxury of time.

Myrtle was allowed to come home with high doses of antibiotics to try and get the infection under control before her BOAS surgery on the following Friday.

We had been advised that she will almost certainly die sooner rather than later without surgery, but also that surgery carries its own risk. We had to make the decision that if she collapsed during surgery, we would have to let the angels take her.

We had to stay positive that she would respond to the antibiotics and be strong enough for surgery.

We knew the surgery was going to be complex, and we had been told to expect the final bill to be £2k + but we there was nothing on this earth that would make us walk away or give up, we needed to give this beautiful girl the chance to feel the grass under her paws and the sunshine on her face.

Myrtle was an inspiration to us all, the amount of fight in that tiny little body of hers.

She had a few settled nights, her wonderful foster mum Heather spent every night downstairs keeping a watchful eye on her, she couldn’t bear to leave her side. And we could never thank you enough Heather for all the tender loving care you gave our beautiful girl.

This was a very difficult time for all concerned, but we had to keep positive ahead of her surgery day. We couldn’t let her see our worry and heartbreak, we could risk her become anxious and stressed. We had to be brave, how could we not when this little girl is fighting so hard to survive.

We could not thank you all, for your continuous support, we are forever grateful to you all.

Friday came quickly and we were so very pleased to celebrate that our very brave baby girl made it through surgery. The surgery went way better than expected but she still had a long way to go considering the severity of her condition. She was soon strong enough to come home or so we all thought.

Myrtle lost her battle the next day, broken hearted doesn’t even come close to the loss we felt. She was the most precious gift no matter how long we had her for.

Myrtle for the short time you were in this world you filled it with love and light. You made everyone that met you smile, and you filled our hearts with joy.

That night, we are burnt a candle for you, to give back to you the love & light you gave us – so you know you will never be forgotten.

Play with your friends beautiful Myrtle and one day we will come and find you for squidgy puppy cuddles.

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