Betty – Sadly crossed the Rainbow Bridge!

It brings us so much sadness to announce that sadly, Betty crossed the rainbow bridge.

She had an incredibly hard life before she came into our care, but from the moment she walked into Yolanda’s home she knew nothing but unconditional love.

Yolanda rolled up her sleeves and got to work healing her physical health concerns, she really was poorly.

It was her broken heart we feared would take to long to fix. But the moment Betty met Yolanda she knew what unconditional love was. 

Betty knew this was her home and she knew she was safe.

And spent her days being adored and cherished. 


I am so sorry mum, l had to go but it all happened so fast l didn’t have a chance to give you once last kiss.

I want to say thank you mum for loving me with your biggest heart.

We had some fun didn’t we you called me a hamster on speed when l did my zoomies in the morning.

l always did that because it made you laugh and l loved it when you laughed, it made me so happy my heart swelled.

You took me out on my walks to the beach and the fields, and then it was straight in the bath to clean my poorly skin, and l loved how you fussed around me with lotions and potions to make sure l wasn’t sore.

I have had the happiest time being your Princess mum, and l will never forget our last few days where we just cuddled up on the sofa and you put grated cheese on my dinner as a special treat.

I lost count of how many times you told me you loved me but l always knew that mum, and l loved you back with all my heart.

But you see mum, my body wasn’t working anymore and although l didn’t let you see it, l was very poorly.

The angels told me l had Pancreatic Cancer and my sickness would be with me forever unless l left my earthly body behind.

I didn’t want to leave you, but l knew l had to.

My heart is breaking as much as yours but the angels told me to wait for you at Rainbow Bridge where my skin will glow and my sickness will be left behind.

Please don’t cry mum l left a piece of my heart with you to help you heal.

When you look up into the sky tonight, look for sparkles because that will be me letting you know l have made it to Rainbow Bridge and l will wait for you mum, l promise with all my heart, l will wait for you.

Big Betty loves, licks and more loves and more loves still

From your beautiful Betty xxx

Nothing make’s Betty happier than being taken to a field where she can have her ball thrown for her.

She is very playful and loves tug of war and will charge around happily with her toys in the home.

Betty is a very affectionate girl who gives kisses and enjoys all human contact.

She understands some commands and ignores them until she is ready…! And when she wants to snooze, she wants to snooze, she is a gorgeous funny quirky girl and lots of fun.

Dogs name: Betty

Age:  6 years

Can live with children:  4 years old and over

Can live with dogs: No

Can live with cats:  No – Betty doesn’t like any small furries

Current location:  Hartlepool, County Durham

Things to be aware of: 

Betty is very sensitive with allergies.

She has a good routine at present which is working well. She is washed down with water (tummy, legs, chest and bottom) after every walk in her foster home and this must be continued in her new home.

She has a medicated bath once or twice a week as required which really helps her skin and she will need Apoquel for life which is a prescribed drug.

We will be rehoming Betty with a list of allergens to avoid but if she has a break-out she will need a course of steroids.

We will also advise her new family on her raw diet which is readily available and which she 100% must stay on.

Betty isn’t always very keen on other dogs invading her space and she hates strong winds and will need reassurance.

The ideal home: 

Betty loves people and we will be looking for a home where she will not be left for long periods. She loves being part of the action and family life and has happily lived with children as young as 4 years old.

But she will bounce around when she is playing so any young children would need to be supervised as she will knock into them.

Other comments: 

Betty has been a delight to have in foster. She is a happy girl who was suffering from an allergic flare up when she came into foster.

We are on top of it now but her new family will need to be aware that her food and routine MUST BE continued as outlined above otherwise she will have a massive flare up. In return she will be a delight to own and will make you smile every day.