Debs – Now Adopted!

We have some wonderful news to give you today!

Our beautiful Debs is home.

Debs was picked up on Monday by her excited new mum Cherie and family and they have instantly fallen in love with her!

Debs has settled well and is making herself right at home! She’s been for walks with her fur sibling and went to watch her human sister ride her horses.

We would like to say a big thank you to Jessica-Lauren for preparing debs for her forever home, for the love and attention you have given debs, we are truly grateful to you.

So would you all please join me in congratulating Cherie and family on their very special new girl debs, we wish you all many happy years together.

To Debs, enjoy your happy ever after beautiful. We all look forward to seeing the many adventures you and your fabulous new slaves get up to!!

Previous adoption statement below,

Dogs name:



2 years old.

Current location:

Wirral, Merseyside.







Yes, laid-back and playful dogs.



Debs has an affectionate and playful nature.

She is a girl who knows what she wants.


Debs is dominant with the resident dog in the home.

She loves her toys but can be possessive and will tell resident dog not to touch, she will guard them, but she will now share toys and her humans but will take a toy from them if she wants it.

Debs loves a bit of rough play and tug of war with the resident dog and is learning listen to when being told enough.

She can be excitable, jumping up and mouthy at times but is doing very well learning her boundaries.

Debs hasn’t a bad bone in her body and isn’t aggressive in any way and her humans can take toys without concern.

Debs is very affectionate she is learning to share her human but will push her way into any cuddles with the resident dog and foster mum.


Debs needs an active family home, with a family committed to continuing her training.

She would suit the majority of family environments.

We would recommend that any potential family have experience or have researched the breed and understand play behaviours.

Debs will benefit from having a submissive and playful dog in the home or she could live happily as an only dog.

A garden is a must, for her to sunbathe after a busy morning playing.


Debs has taken to walks very well, she had very little experience with harnesses and leads when coming into GBSR.

Debs walks very well in company or on her own and is happy to meet unfamiliar dogs and people.

Debs does love a ball on her walk and won’t rest/walk knowing her foster mum has it in her pocket. Once she has it, she will carry it all the way home!!!

Toilet trained:

Yes, Debs is a very good girl, she may have the odd accident initially as she settles and learns new routines.


Debs travels very well; she will settle down on the back seat.

Because of this we will accept applications of up to 4 hours away from her current location.

We recommend using a seatbelt harness or travel crate whenever transporting dogs.

Things to be aware of:

Sometimes Debs is excited to play but doesn’t realise her size, any young children in the home must be supervised, as she has the potential to jump and knock children over.

Children must understand that bulldogs need time to settle in and have space to rest peacefully and uninterrupted.

Additional information:

Debs has stolen the hearts of all our admin team since coming into foster, she has such expressive eyes that tell a thousand tales. She is a well-rounded bulldog that will make the perfect addition to any family lucky enough to adopt her.

A little of Debs’ story below,

Please welcome the very lovely Debs to our GBSR family!!

We believe Debs to be 2-3years old and she is entire female.

Sadly, Debs is yet another poor soul that was found wandering the streets, thankfully found by a kind stranger who took her to Friends of Birkenhead Kennels who then contacted us.

Debs completed her 7day hold with nobody coming forward for her, so FOBK asked for us to take her, knowing we could get her into a foster home rather than her being stuck in a kennel for God knows how long.

Debs isn’t into poor a condition, a little on the grubby side and overweight. She will be seeing a vet in the next week and hopefully after a little tlc and time we can get her on her forever journey.

Huge thank you to Jessica-Lauren Simpson for coming to Debs aid so quickly, and welcome to your very first foster journey with us.

Debs is doing really well, settled in with Jessica-Lauren, her partner George and the very lovely Honey, who treated Debs to a lovely beach walk today. Debs is wasting no time wrapping FD around her paws and absolutely loves a cuddle.

Well Debs you will never know what loneliness feels like again now you have us, and we can’t wait for your journey to unfold.

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