Lyla – Now Adopted!

Lyla has gone home!

We are so pleased to announce that our gorgeous girl Lyla has gone home, she was collected by her new mum and sister Leanne and Liliana! She has a new fur brother called Brookie and they have settled in together so quickly.

Lyla & Liliana are the bestest of friends, and we can’t wait to see their adventures together – taking the world by storm, they already sound like the perfect double act!

Thank you to Lylas foster family Leah and Simon, who took Lyla into their home when she needed us the most, we hope you’ll foster with us again!

Thank you for choosing to adopt from Geordie Bullies, I think I can speak for everyone when I say, we wish you the very best Lyla with your new family, Leanne, Liliana and Brookie!

Previous adoption statement below,

Dogs name:



2 years old.

Current location:

Hitchin, Hertfordshire.



Yes, dog savvy children.




Yes, laid-back, playful dogs.



Lyla is a big playful puppy; she has bounced into her new life with so much joy and excitement.

Lyla absolutely loves to play with toys of all different types she particularly likes to play with balls and will hit them with her paw and chase them around the house. She also loves to throw her soft toys in the air and ‘catch’ them again. And will happily share with other dogs and her humans.

Lyla is a very cuddly dog and likes nothing more than sleeping on a human! She loves any affection, and her favourite is a good tummy rub.


Lyla is a very outgoing and loves people and other dogs. When Lyla meets a new person, she is guaranteed to try and jump up at them for a fuss (she gives proper human cuddles).

When meeting other dogs Lyla can be excitable and eager to play, which can be a bit much for some dogs so introductions will need to be supervised.

Lyla hasn’t got a malicious bone in her body.

Lyla is naturally curious (clumsy) and nosey, she will explore everywhere she can as she settles and learns her environment.

In typical bulldog fashion Lyla has 2 speeds playful, energetic, or asleep. And has perfected her occasional stubbornness.


Lyla needs an active family environment where she is kept involved with everything that is daily family life.

Lyla needs a family who will continue her training, she is a very obedient girl, eager and willing to learn but she has no understanding of many basic commands.

A garden is a must for this girl as she loves to play and explore.

Lyla will benefit greatly from a calm but playful companion; one she can cuddle up with while her humans are away.


Lyla loves her walks she walks very well on the lead; she doesn’t pull and will walk alongside you. Even when she does get excited and pulls ahead a bit, she is very responsive and easy to handle.

Lyla will approach dogs and initiate play, if a dog barks at her, she doesn’t react and will walk away if the barking is significant. She shows no aggressive behaviour and no apprehension.

Toilet trained:

Lyla is a very good girl; but Lyla may have minor accidents initially. She doesn’t know how to indicate that she needs the toilet.

She has done incredibly well with a toileting routine and due to healing from her surgeries her foster family make sure to take her outdoors regularly.  Despite this, she hasn’t had a single nighttime accident and has never weed in the house.

Can be left:

Lyla can be left alone for up to 4 hours.

Lyla will settle herself down and go to sleep in her crate, it is preferable that her new family would have one during her settling period to keep her routine.

She may cry for a short time initially so we would advise that she isn’t left for long periods to start off with.

Lyla settles better much better with a companion in the house with her.


Lyla loves to travel in the car. She sits well on the back seat using a seatbelt harness and will settle down and watch out of a window. Because of this we will accept applications of up to 4 hours away from her current location.

We recommend using a seatbelt harness or travel crate whenever transporting dogs.

Things to be aware of:

Lyla will need to continue her current diet of Burns sensitive Pork & Potato due to allergies, she has thrived on this current diet.

Lyla may need continued treatment for dry eye, this would likely consist of a lubricating eyedrop for the reminder of her life, which her new family would be responsible for.

Sometimes Lyla is excited to play, can be clumsy and doesn’t realise her size, any young children in the home must be supervised, as she has the potential to jump and knock children over.

Children must understand that bulldogs need time to settle in and have space to rest peacefully and uninterrupted.

Additional information:

Lyla has been through so much in such a short lifespan, but she has not let a single moment of sadness or fear taint what an incredibly sweet and affectionate young girl she is. Lyla is one of the happiest dog’s who just wants to enjoy every moment she can, whether that is playing with her toys or snuggled on your lap. If you are looking for the perfect dog to complete your family Lyla is your girl!

A little of Lyla’s story below,

On Sunday Leah Amy collected Lyla after she had been rescued by someone locally and they reached out to us to help.

Sweet Lyla, you are not even 2 years old yet and this has been your life in the hands of a GREEDER!!

A beautiful puppy, bred so badly your folds cover your eyes making your eyes incredibly sore with Entropion affecting all 4 eyelids – and as a result, your eyes are infected and cloudy from your eyelashes constantly scratching your eyes -TREATABLE..!

Your furrows are so deep you have an infection in them -TREATABLE..!

Your skin is sore, and you have hair loss – TREATABLE..!

You have a raging ear infection – TREATABLE..!

You have cherry eye – TREATABLE..!

You have a huge hernia – TREATABLE..!

Your puppies have only just left you and NOT A PENNY from their sale has gone towards your welfare….INFACT the truth is, you had done your job and you were taken to the vet to be PTS – HORRIFIC!!

Lyla has been let down by the person that should have loved her, but she was used for breeding and then, after making them their money, they were prepared to end her life because they no longer wanted her ..!!!

Lyla has seen our vet who was shocked by the condition of her eyelids saying it was the worst she has ever seen.

We have started meds and drops and Lyla is back to the vet today for a follow-up.

Below is Lyla’s list of surgical vet treatment:

Full Bilateral Entropion

Cherry Eye



Our Vet has offered to correct the cherry eye free of charge and reduced the whole bill by 20% which is amazing, but we still need to raise £1250!

As there was no time to delay, Lyla is having her surgeries today and we will update you once she is back home with her FM Leah!

Please will you help Lyla with a donation small or large, it all helps, and this young girl needs all the discomfort removed from her life ASAP.


Bank Transfer

Geordie Bullies Springboard Rescue

Account No. 92014344

Sort Code. 09-01-28

Paypal – Friends and family

Lyla its now your turn and happiness sweetheart, you will never be discarded again, your new life starts here with your Springboard family!!

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