Athena – Sadly now at Rainbow Bridge

Welcome Athena 
Athena is a 6 month old bitch , her breed line is apparently a Micro Bulldog .
Athena has spina bifida and although she isn’t incontinent she is having trouble walking.
We were contacted by someone who knew the lady who was caring for Athena and knew she was desperate for help before her breeder put her to sleep . We got in touch and agreed to take her , we did say no more SB pups as they break our hearts but we just couldn’t not help her.
Athena is now in foster with Tara & Richard Chattaway and is settling in with her foster brother & foster sisters.
Athena will be visiting our vets in due course, she has some wheels to help her along with walking, also she has a belly strap to assist her for toileting and a floatation suit to strengthen her leg muscles in the bath.
Athena will need a period of assessment to determine what kind of forever home she will require. Please do not contact us regarding rehoming Athena yet as she is new to foster.
Welcome to GBSR UK Athena! We can’t wait to share your journey