Florence – Now Adopted!

Failed foster alert

We are over the moon to announce that our beautiful Florence is staying with the fabulous Karen and her husband Simon!!

I think we all knew when Karen opened her heart and home to Florence, she wasn’t going to go anywhere else.

Florence came into foster so withdrawn, neglected and not long having given birth to pups. Her skin was in the most awful condition. She really was a very sorry sight

Karen was worked tirelessly to spring this little beauty back to life and I think we can all agree that the dog that first came into foster is a completely different dog to the one that is going to have the best happy ever after.

Thank you so much Karen, your love and devotion to Florence has given her the happy ever after she truly deserves.

So will you all please join us in congratulating Karen and her husband Simon on becoming Florence’s new slaves, we wish you many happy years together.

To Reg The Ledge look after your new sister buddy. She needs you to be patient and show her that everything is going to be ok now.

You both have the lives you truly deserve.

Show her the way of the Dixon and make the best memories together!!

Previous adoption statement.

Dogs name:



6 years old.

Current location:

Bracknell, Berkshire.



Yes, dog savvy children.




No, I prefer my humans to myself.



Flo is the epitome of companion; she is the happiest at your side where she can shower you with affection.

Flo has such a happy, gentle and energetic nature and loves everyone she meets.


Flo is anxious and will seek out wherever you are in the home, if she is closed in a room she will cry.

Flo can suffer with separation anxiety when she is left alone. She can pace and bark until she settles down. This has greatly improved during her time in foster and will continue to as she settles into her new home environment and feels safe.

Flo is slowly learning to play and enjoy toys, but she much prefers a cuddle.


Flo needs a calm home environment, with a family who will keep her involved in all that is daily life.

Flo needs someone home the majority of the day or able to take her with them and not be left for long periods of time.

A garden is a must with somewhere she can sit and watch the world go by.

Flo needs to be an only dog.

Flo needs a family who understands her needs and is prepared and committed to put in the time and effort she needs to feel safe and at home.


Flo will need ongoing training on her walks. She doesn’t quite understand what she is supposed to be doing on the lead.

Flo needs to be walked on the lead as she can be reactive towards dogs whilst out on walks. She will fixate on unfamiliar dogs, but this is something that she can overcome with the right training.

Toilet trained:

Flo is a very good girl; she uses the doggy door at her foster home and will go out when give the command to.

Can be left:

Flo struggles with separation anxiety so it is preferable that she isn’t left for long periods of time. Her family must be prepared and understand that it may a take a few weeks for Flo to feel safe and settled.


Flo loves the car; she will sit happily watching out of the window on the seat using a seatbelt restraint. Because of this we will accept applications of up to 4 hours away from her current location.

Things to be aware of:

Flo came into GBSR in terrible condition, she has allergies that were left untreated. This is going to take some time to completely heal.

She is currently on a hypoallergenic diet and is on steroids, to reduce the inflammation to her skin. This will potentially be ongoing, as her allergies may be both food and environmental.

Flo can sometimes have weakness on the left back leg which is treated with rest and anti-inflammatory medication when needed.

Sometimes Flo is excited to greet but doesn’t realise her size, any young children in the home must be supervised, as Flo has the potential to jump and knock children over.

Children must understand that bulldogs need time to settle in and have space to rest peacefully and uninterrupted.

The ongoing treatment for Flo will be the responsibility of her new family once she has been adopted.

Additional information:

Flo is the most amazingly affectionate lady; she has had a terrible life at the hands of humans yet hasn’t allowed it to taint the love she has. She has this beautiful joy about her that just shines through. Flo will be the most wonderful addition and any family lucky enough to adopt her will have the most amazing memories to look forward to.


A little of Florence’s story below,

The reason you are reading this is because you love your dog, right?? And you would never neglect or harm your dog in any way …!!

Well, if the previous owners of Florence are reading this, then you need to hang your head in shame…!!

Please welcome Florence into our Springboard Family.

Florence is an entire 6-year-old girl who has suffered at the hands of her previous owner for at least 3 years. Look at the photos…. You cannot tell us this girl has been loved because categorically she HAS NOT BEEN LOVED… but she has survived multiple litters and total neglect at the hands of GREEDERS.

Florence came into foster with Karen Dixon in the South East today after we were contacted by a lady that had managed to get Florence to safety.

This little girl has been suffering for a long time. She is greasy and smelly from her unchecked skin condition, she has extremely sore teats which have been bleeding, her feet are very sore which makes her hop when she walks, her spine is visible, she has a haematoma on her ear and both ears are full of gunk…. This little girl has been neglected for a long time …!!!!

It’s going to take a while to undo the physical neglect Florence has suffered … and she will be having her first vet check next week to start treatment.

She cannot be spayed until we get her to a healthy weight and her skin under control but believe us when we say her BREEDING DAYS ARE OVER…..!!!!

We have added a donate button to this post because quite frankly, this little love needs TLC and meds to heal her – and heal her we will so if you wish to donate towards Florence’s care, thank you, you have a heart of gold.

Florence will not be up for adoption for some time but feel free to follow her road to recovery on our Facebook Group.

Welcomer to GBSR Florence….. your days of neglect are over.

Follow Florence https://www.facebook.com/geordiebullies

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