Freddy – Sadly crossed the Rainbow Bridge!

Today we bring you the saddest news about Freddy!

You may remember Freddy was a little boy who came to us at 12 weeks old as a blind puppy.

Sadly, the blindness was due to neurological malfunctions so there was no treatment available for him and his behaviour even at that time was a little unpredictable as he struggled in a world of darkness.

In April this year, Freddy was adopted by Marie Mills and her family who have devoted many months with a trainer, working on his issues. And they all absolutely adored him.

But as he matured it was becoming evident that all was not well with Marie’s little boy and his aggression was becoming more and more difficult to manage.

He was becoming very unpredictable which has resulted in biting one of the children in the family without warning & with no provocation.

So, with a truly broken hearts and after long discussions with the admin team, Marie took Freddy to the vet yesterday to end his terminal anguish.

We are heartbroken that Freddy has left us and the hole in the hearts of Marie’s family is massive – he will never be forgotten, he was a special boy and we extend our love and sympathies to them all.

Run free with the sight you never had in this world beautiful Freddy, find your friends, and enjoy the sun on your face and the grass under your paws…. Run with the pack and sleep under the stars and watch over your family, as they are missing you with all their hearts.

Below is a tribute from Marie Freddy’s mum and Trish who originally fostered Freddy.

From Marie

A tribute to my beautiful boy Freddy. Freddy my heart is broken that you aren’t here with me, spinning whilst I sing to you and bouncing off the furniture.

You may have only been here a short time, but boy did we love you with all our hearts.

It’s seems too quiet without you snoring next to me or following the sound of my footsteps. I wish i could have fixed everything for you.

I’m so sorry my handsome prince. You will forever be in my heart. Trish, Freddy loved you not just as a foster mum. You were his momma number 2. He loved to hear you on our video calls and would always spin for excitement. I will forever be grateful for the love you gave him and to all the admin ladies at Geordie bullies, I can’t thank you enough for all the support you have given me and my family over the last few days. I would be lost without you all.

Time will hopefully heal my broken heart. Fly high my beautiful boy and wait for me at the rainbow bridge so we can dance together again 

From momma number 2 (Trish)

To my beautiful Freddy, the moment I collected you on News Years day I knew you were special, the moment I had you in my arms and placed you in my car where you let off the most horrendous smells I new you were special, the moment you walked into my home well bumped into everything in my home I knew you were special.

You made us laugh with your spinning and your quirky ways, you gave the most amazing kisses and cuddles you were truly special.

When you left me, my heart was completely broken but I knew you were going to the most amazing family.

Marie, you saw what others couldn’t see just how this boy was so super special and for that I am so truly grateful to you and your amazing family.

I’m so sorry your time with us had to end but hopefully you are now at rest my sweet special boy. I will always love you now and forever, run pain free my sweet boy, you will always be in my heart. Sweet dreams

If you post a comment saying something unkind then you will instantly be removed! I will not tolerate anyone who thinks it’s ok to say ‘you should have tried! Because we did!!! BE WARNED. His family are absolutely heartbroken! Helen

A little of Freddy’s story below,

Freddie came to GBSR at just 12 weeks old after being deemed not fit for life by his breeder as he was having issues with his eye sight.

He is already onto his 4th home with us, after the breeder gave him away, that person didn’t want him so another lady took him with the view of finding him a rescue and she contacted us.

As a rescue we couldn’t turn Freddy away and we are so happy that we didn’t, because this wonderful little boy has done everything to prove his GREEDER wrong. He is everything a bulldog puppy should be, and proves that he doesn’t need 100% eye sight to live an amazing and happy life.

It has been an absolute joy to watch Freddy grow and learn, and we cannot wait to watch his future unfold.

Freddy is a sweet young pup, that is coping well with his partial blindness. He is every bit a typical Bulldog puppy and not letting his sight issues stand in his way.

Playful, cheeky, and mouthy with that teeny hint of naughty pup that makes him so perfect. Because of his sight issues he thrives on physical contact and affection, to help his development.

He interacts well with the children in his foster home and enjoys playtime in the garden.

He loves to play with the resident dogs and is learning boundaries through them. Freddy is quite an adventurous boy and is enjoying learning to walk on a harness.

Because of both age and sight loud and sudden noises can startle him, but with gentle reassurance he will be fine.

We couldn’t have been happier to announce our precious Freddie had finally found his happily ever after.

Freddie was still a baby, and sadly he came to us already being rehomed numerous times because of his blindness.

As you will have seen, Freddie had thrown us challenges and we had been taking advice on how to provide the best training and the best home for this very special boy.

Freddie had specific requirements which changed as he developed and grew so we had been very keen to get him settled in his very own ‘forever home’.  A home that could meet and understand his ongoing special needs.

Unfortunately, poor Freddie was adopted and returned to us twice, through nobody’s fault. Both families had the right intentions for Freddie, but resident dogs did not understand Freddie’s behaviours causing them to react aggressively towards him.

Poor Freddie moved a few times to new fosters as we assessed his needs and after his last failed adoption, our amazing foster stepped up. Marie and her family with their super chilled dog Jet.

Freddie had settled beautifully in foster with Marie and it was evident he has finally found his way home and we couldn’t have been happier for him.

Marie had a trainer on hand to help Freddie with the daily challenges presented to a blind puppy and he responded very well.

The whole family were committed to Freddie and making his life as easy and comfortable as it can possibly be. Full of love and adventure, a true happily ever after!

Freddie, your days of moving were over. You now have the forever home you deserve.

You have a family that adore you and who want to ensure you reach your full potential and you have a wonderful fur sister in Jet.

Thank you, Marie, we are very grateful to you opening your heart and home to Freddie.

Have the most wonderful life gorgeous boy, and we are looking forward to following your adventures!


Previous adoption statement below,

Dogs name: Freddy

Age:14 weeks

Can live with children: Dog savvy 8+

Can live with dog’s: Calm Neutered/Spayed Dogs

Can live with cat’s: yes dog savvy

Current location: Sutton Coldfield, Midlands                       

Things to be aware of:

Freddy can see shadows and light, so has about 25% vision.

Freddy will need an open uncluttered home, so he can manoeuvre his space easily.

He is still incredibly young so will need strict routine and training, being partially sighted will make it more difficult him. He is doing typical Bulldog puppy behaviours like mouthing, and chewing, due to his age he has not been out for walks or socialised with dogs outside of his foster home while he awaits his vaccination.

Freddy needs someone ideally to be home with him but can be left up to 4 hours in his crate on occasion.

Due to his age and sight issues any young children will need to be supervised around him. And any training started by his foster family must continue in his new home environment, to guarantee a positive development.

Freddy will be rehomed on a neuter contract at 18months at a vet of our choosing and costs covered by the charity.

The ideal home:

Freddy will benefit greatly from a calm but active family home with older children that can understand his needs. Preferably with bulldog experience/knowledge.

A calm laid back and social dog will help his confidence as he grows and matures. It is advised that you use bells on you and other dogs so Freddy can find where you are easily.

His potential family need to be aware of all it can take to take on a dog with special needs and not take this responsibility lightly and be willing to take training classes if needed.

Other comments:

Freddy has blown us all away with his lust for life and everything fun. He is an active little man who has no idea he has special needs. He has stolen the hearts of us all.