Una – Sadly crossed the Rainbow Bridge!

We have the most tragic news to share with you today. Little Una has been called away by the angels after losing the fight of her life and she has left behind a family plunged into grief and complete heartache.

Last week little Una went in for her BOAS surgery, all appeared well, and she was discharged but as the evening wore on, Una became distressed, so Greg & Ellie raced her to the vet who fitted a Tracheostomy to help her breath she was then taken to Willows for specialist care.

On Monday Greg & Ellie let us know that Una was doing much better, the Trachy had been removed and she was going to be reviewed with the intention of them bringing their baby girl home.

But sadly, Una suddenly deteriorated.

The veterinary team battled to get the infection caused by her aspirating under control, but she had fought for as long as her little body could.

Greg & Una couldn’t let their baby girl struggle any longer and putting their own grief to one side, made the decision none of us ever want to make.

Una slipped away with Ellie and Greg with her, and if their love could have saved her, it surely would have.

We are all deeply saddened and shocked at Una’s passing, 16 months in this world just wasn’t enough and her family are completely devastated & grief stricken. Una meant the absolute world to them, and they will miss their beautiful girl so much.

Please join us in extending our heartfelt sympathies to Greg & Ellie, our hearts hurt for you, and we know the pain you will be in right now. But one day, when you remember Una, your tears of sadness will be replaced with tears of joy as you remember the pleasure she brought to your lives and the huge love that you had for each other.

Run free little Una…. Run free through the soft grass, smell the spring blossoms, play with your friends, and just let your mum & dad know you are still with her.

A little of Una’s story below,

Una came into GBSR at just 21 weeks old.

We were contacted by her owner who had Una from one of her litters.

She had originally wanted us to take Una’s Mummy as well however we only have Una for now.

Una has had issues with her breathing from the get go. And her owner couldn’t afford her medical needs.

When we collected her yesterday her fosters were worried about her breathing.

She isn’t playing like a normal puppy and got out of breath very quickly.

She was very subdued and just sat down a lot and didn’t want to play.

She kept trying to bring something up of her chest, but it wasn’t coming up.

So we made an emergency trip to the vets this morning. Una’s temperature was high and she was pretty poorly. We suspected she had aspiration pneumonia, and this was confirmed by the vet. She was very rattily and has loads of upper airway noise. She’s struggling to rest because she can’t breathe when she lays down.

She has cherry eye and she was very weak on her back legs. She needs to lose some weight to help with her breathing and build up her muscle. Because she’s not active we have a challenge ahead to do this.

Thank you to Louise & Simon who collected Una yesterday and then took her straight to the vets today. She is staying with them in foster in the midlands.

Well soon little Miss Diva was ready to find her forever family.

Una is incredible she made every moment matter.

She came into GBSR a little poorly and overweight, but after lots of TLC this little whirlwind puppy emerged.

She did the funniest little stop, drop and roll to get you to rub her tummy. Such a quirky little girl, she could keep you entertained the whole day through.

She was active and playful, loves chasing and playing with the children in her foster home.

She currently lives with a spayed female and gets on well with her.

She loves a gentle walk and gets very excited when she sees her harness and loves meeting new dogs and people when out. She is eager to please and loves to be in your company. Una loves her crate and sees it as her safe space.

Una was soon adopted!

We were absolutely overjoyed to announce Una home!

Una she settled in very well with her new pawrents, Ellie and Greg and her new sisters. She was enjoying being a huge part of their family and is very much being loved and adored.

It’s no surprise that she had taken no time at all wrapping everyone around those tiny paws of hers. We had no doubt that she will soon be ruling her domain from her throne in no time.

We truly wished you a lifetime of happiness together and looked forward to sharing the next chapter of your life with her.

A massive thank you to our Louise on another fabulous foster. You have done an amazing job, loving and caring for Una and preparing her for her forever home. We are very grateful to you for everything.

Previous adoption statement below,

Dogs name:




Can live with children:

Yes, dog savvy children.

Can live with dogs:

Yes, laid back, No entire dogs.

Can live with cats:

Yes, dog savvy cats.

Current location:

Leicestershire, Midlands

Things to be aware of:

Una may need BOAS surgery in the future, this is something her new owners will need to prepare for financially. New owners must have an understanding of BOAS, and how to manage Una’s needs.

Making sure she takes regular breaks during play and gentle exercise only. Una will be going home on a to be spayed contract at 18months at a vet of the charity’s choice.

 Whilst Una undergoes her spay, her Cherry eye will be repocketed. Cost covered by the charity.

Una will need daily eyedrops to keep her eye moisturised.

Una is still incredibly young so training is ongoing and must be continued in her new home.

Due to Una’s age any young children must be supervised and new introductions to resident dogs must be done slowly and carefully.   

The ideal home:

Una being a puppy can live in any home environment. But we would like to see her a part of an active family home.

One where she can be included in every aspect of family life and grow with.

Una can be left for up to 3hours if she is crated.   

Other comments:

Una has been incredible during her foster with us. She has proved the tenacity of the breed is deep within the DNA. She is determined and refuses to believe that she has any health issues. She has stolen the hearts of us all, as we have watched her grow into this tenacious wonderful little bulldog. 

Follow Una https://www.facebook.com/geordiebullies/